Saturday, April 9, 2011


Experience a day without a bra. Better yet, experience life without a bra! Unharness the 'horses' and run free. We were built to jiggle.

Join the 'Ban the Bra' club and spread the word!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bras cause cancer

How does one convince others that something is bad for you?
There is convincing evidence that bras cause breast cancer and other health issues. Please do the research and made an informed decision. Save your money, save your sanity (bras drive me insane in the comfort department) and save your life!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why wear a bra?

It's unfortunate that women are so brainwashed by the media and so fixated on a youthful appearance that they would wear the 'torture device' better known as a 'bra'.
Yes, I was in my early twenties when feminists started the 'burn the bra' campaign. Even though I wasn't a card-carrying feminist, I thought the idea made perfect sense.
I've hated wearing bras ever since my older sister forced one upon me at the age of 13. I never had much in the way of breasts until I had my first child at the age of 31. Even then I couldn't force myself to wear a bra.
I hardly ever wear a bra now. I've worn undershirts, tanks tops, half slips, sports bras etc. under my overs because I can't stand to pull, tug, and manipulate straps and under wires.
I am now a senior citizen and I may not have perky breasts aiming skyward, but I don't have ones that sag to my knees either. I've lived my life in comfort!
Finally, I have been put at ease by the following article written by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. Check it out: